How to protect furniture from cats. The cat is tearing the wallpaper, the cat is scratching the furniture - what to do? How to protect upholstered furniture from cat claws

Often, upon reaching a certain age, a kitten begins to sharpen its claws on surrounding objects, which leads to their gradual deterioration. There are many methods for stopping a cat from scratching a sofa, favorite chair, ottomans or cabinet doors. The main thing is not to try to explain to the animal that this cannot be done. The options advertised by many involving spraying the cat with water or shouting loudly will not help protect the furniture. They will only provoke aggression on the part of the kitten, who, at best, will begin to scratch something else, but no less valuable.

You should immediately take into account that the animal will not stop sharpening its claws; this is a natural process that has a positive effect on the physical and mental state pet. On the one hand, the cat marks its territory in this way, establishing itself as a full-fledged resident of the apartment. Often cats deliberately tear at the owner’s favorite place, thereby showing their location. And in some cases this the only way out to improve the condition of worn claws.

Which cats don't tear up furniture - the pros and cons of radical approaches

Contrary to popular belief, the breed of the cat does not matter in this area. Regardless of whether there is an aggressive person living at home Siamese cat, calm Maine Coon or exotic Sphynx, furniture is in equal danger. Sterilization will also not play a decisive role; even a calmed pet will not give up its favorite habit. If an animal spoils products from time to time, this may be the result of poor quality care for its claws. In this case, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian and find out how to carry out basic manipulations.

Most often, a stubborn animal constantly destroys furniture. In this case, the owners, driven to white heat, sometimes resort to radical methods to solve the problem. To ensure that the pet never scratches anything again, they agree to do one of the following procedures:

  1. Complete declawing.
  2. Cutting tendons, which prevents the ability to extend claws.
  3. Regular trimming of elements.

All of the above methods literally lead to disability of the cat. The animal's posture deteriorates and coordination is impaired, which is accompanied by serious stress. There is no need to be surprised if, after such an aggressive approach, you find that the pet is now chewing shoes, furniture and everything that comes across it.

Humane and effective ways to wean cats from destructive habits

After radical methods have been discarded, you can begin to search for a suitable way out of the situation. The best place to start is by providing your home pest with a quality replacement in the form of a scratching post. Moreover, this should be done at the first sign that the pet has taken a fancy to a leather sofa or soft chair, before he strips the item down to its filling.

The cat himself will not sharpen his claws on a new, incomprehensible product; a lot will have to be done for him to understand that the replacement is equivalent:

  1. First, the product can be leaned against the piece of furniture that the animal is purposefully damaging.
  2. Additionally, you should take the cat by the paw and gently move it along the surface with high level tension and resistance. Cats like to scratch precisely these areas, so sometimes even one practical lesson is enough.
  3. Affection is pleasant even for a cat, so every time you need to praise an animal that independently chose a scratching post rather than furniture.

In addition to providing something to sharpen its claws on, you need to make sure that your cat loses interest in anything he previously scratched. Otherwise, you may encounter a situation in which the animal eats everything indiscriminately.

  • You can use citrus essential oils to stop it from scratching your favorite leather sofa. Just a few drops, rubbed over the surface of the upholstery or diluted in large quantities water and sprayed over its surface will drive away the stubborn animal. You just need to remember to update the smell.

Advice: At the same time, it is worth stimulating the cat’s interest in the scratching post. To do this, add a few drops of valerian or catnip onto the product.

  • Cats hate it when their claws and paws stick to the surface they are scratching. A few strips of double-sided tape will quickly cool the animal's interest in the furniture. True, this is recommended to be done only in the case of a leather item; the fabric noticeably deteriorates from the prolonged presence of glue on it.
  • Silicone attachments are gaining particular popularity in the fight against cats who like to sharpen their claws. They are attached to natural elements using animal-safe glue. The only inconvenience is that the nozzles will have to be changed regularly. And this technique will not help if the animal not only scratches, but also gnaws the surface.

IN as a last resort you can get by with covers. They are best made from soft fabric and put it in folds. For a cat to scratch the surface, it must be dense. If an animal tears at the fabric, but it gathers in waves and does not stretch, it will quickly lose interest in the area.

What to do if a cat scratches a leather sofa?

If time has been lost and the cat has thoroughly torn up the furniture upholstered in fabric, restoring a specific area using the same material or an original decorative insert can help. A leather sofa cannot be restored so easily; you can only mask shallow scratches on your own. In case of serious damage, it is better not to try to do anything at home, but to immediately contact a professional.

  • Olive oil. The use of this component can save, even if the animal prefers to sharpen its claws on light skin. It is first recommended to test the method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material and only then begin restoration. Take it slightly warm olive oil and a thick cotton pad. We soak the cotton wool in the oil, squeeze it out thoroughly, and gently wipe the scratch itself and small areas of skin around it. We work in a circular motion in one direction. After this, we wait until the composition dries and evaluate the work. In some cases, a scratch may disappear without leaving a trace after just one treatment. If necessary, repeat the manipulation.
  • If a cat slightly scratches a dark leather sofa, it is better to use shoe polish. We select the product of the required shade, apply it to cotton swab and carefully rub into the damaged surface. We wait until the mixture dries and wipe the area with a clean paper napkin. We evaluate the work and, if necessary, make several more approaches.
  • If the furniture is covered with deep scratches, you will have to do the following. We use the oil approach first (regardless of the color of the material). Then we treat the area with oil again, put a cotton cloth on it and wait for the liquid to be absorbed into it. After this, we take a new piece of fabric, moisten it with water and apply it to the damaged area. Iron the flap with a warm iron, holding it for no more than 8-10 seconds. If necessary, repeat several times. From this effect, the oil will be absorbed better, masking the scratches.

The sooner you start implementing the above methods, the greater the chances of saving the furniture without sacrificing your health and good mood your pet.

The habit of pets to sharpen their claws on any object that seems suitable to them causes many sad sighs from the owners. If this is done by an animal that has the opportunity to walk on the street, it will most likely be spanked and thrown out into the street through the window: “Are you crazy? Go scratch the tree!”

But what should people living in multi-storey buildings do with their cat?

A cat can ruin good furniture in the house.

Let's first figure out why the mustachioed striped animals have such a habit?

First of all, this is the natural behavior of the animal, determined by nature itself. Cat - a predator, it hunts with the help of claws and teeth. This means his claws must be in perfect condition.

Territory defense

Also, By sharpening its claws, your pet marks its territory. This is especially true if there are other animals in the apartment. The sight is so familiar to the eye that you simply don’t notice to yourself: the cat sharpens its claws only on its front paws. This is not only due to the fact that it grabs the victim with its front paws. Here in cats there are glands that secrete a specific odor.

Putting your claws into any surface is a great way to show others who is boss.

I am the boss of the house!

Finally, a cat - well-fed and sleepy - may simply be bored, and I want to throw out the accumulated energy and stretch my muscles.

It should be noted that wallpaper is far from the most favorite option among cats for sharpening their claws. Upholstered furniture suffers the most. Curtains, bedspreads, and soft floor coverings are also at risk.

British cat looks at the wallpaper she has torn off

But it is the wallpaper torn to shreds that causes the greatest complaints from the owners. After all, in order to give the home its former appearance, you will have to make repairs. And this is difficult, troublesome and expensive.

What should the wallpaper be like in an apartment if there is an “evil cat”

It may also happen that your beloved cat will tear up all the furniture and wallpaper in the house.

So, let's look at the worst case scenario first. Your cat has finally “finished off” the walls, and you need to renovate the room, hallway or kitchen. Or all at once. How to decorate the walls so that the cat can no longer misbehave?

Today, specialized stores provide us with such a selection of materials that it is quite possible to reduce losses from cat claws to a minimum.

Liquid wallpaper in an apartment is a great way to stop a cat from tearing apart walls.

Options we can focus on:

We protect repaired walls and wallpaper

But the repairs have been done. The presentable appearance of the home has been restored. The next question on the agenda is how to now protect the apartment from new cat attacks?

You can purchase a special substance that repels cats at a pet store and spray the walls with it.

From " folk remedies" could be suitable essential oil With pungent odor. However, there is a significant “but” here, and more than one. Firstly, you have to process large area, which won't be cheap. Secondly, if you choose wallpaper, stains from the same oil may appear. It is better to apply such a product to the baseboard, or place something aromatic here - the peels of lemons or other citrus fruits.

Essential oil with a pungent odor repels cats.

You can distract your pet by purchasing several scratching posts for him, or making your own. Fortunately, cats are one of those animals that remember well “this is mine” and happily use their favorite item for its intended purpose. And if you also spray it with a special liquid that attracts a cat, for example, mint, then the scratching post will not be worth the price.

There is also a cruel solution to the problem, which some veterinarians are now offering - to remove the animal’s claws.

But this is a very dramatic operation, implying long period recovery, during which the animal will experience pain.

It’s simpler and more humane to limit it to cats. Free access to the walls. You can place the furniture so that it is difficult for your pet to get to the wallpaper. Hang carpets or paintings on the walls. As a last resort, nail a piece of carpet or a wooden plank to the place that the cat has chosen.

To prevent the cat from tearing the wallpaper, you need to hang a scratching post on the wall.

And, of course, if you caught your pet at the scene of a crime, you can make the association stick with him: put his claws in the wallpaper - an unpleasant sensation follows.

You can spray the animal with water from a spray bottle. Finally spank.

But it’s even better if the cat doesn’t get bored. Give him time, give him the opportunity to play active games, for example, run after a bow on a string or for.

It will be great if the cat has the opportunity to walk. In this case, all natural instincts are realized as intended: the cat will quickly understand that sharpening its claws on the same tree trunk is much more pleasant than damaging furniture and wallpaper at home.

If you are just going to adopt a cat

In this case, you may be wondering - are there "well-bred" breeds? You buy a kitten with a pedigree and don’t worry about the wallpaper or the furniture.

words are a pig in a poke.

Video on how to stop a cat from scratching wallpaper

All felines sharpen their claws from time to time, and domestic cats are no exception in this regard. This action in nature has two main tasks - marking personal territory and maintaining one’s hunting “tool” in order.

Reasons: cat physiology and psychology

  • All the motives that encourage your pet to tear up wallpaper and furniture can be summarized in a short list:
  • hygienic manicure - this is how a cat gets rid of an old claw, whose keratinized layer flies off during the sharpening process. In its place appears a young, sharp claw;
  • warming up the muscles - the animal, like a good athlete, “warms up” its tendons and muscles;
  • claw training - this ancient hunting/defensive skill is almost never used by domestic cats, but is embedded in their genes; marking the territory - the smell of sweat released on the furniture upholstery remains sweat glands
  • , which are located on cat paws; getting rid of nervous tension

– this is often how a frightened or angry cat relieves accumulated stress. Important!

How to stop a cat from scratching wallpaper

Try to apply the proposed methods: perhaps one of them will bring your pet to reason.

Voice and loud sounds

When you catch a cat in the act, say clearly and loudly “no!” or “you can’t!”. Shake a rattle next to the mustachioed vandal, which can be an ordinary tin can with stones/coins. Attach it next to the wallpaper balloon so that the animal touches it when sharpening its claws. It is unlikely that the cat will like the cotton of a pierced ball.

Water gun

Noticing that the cat has taken a characteristic stance, sprinkle the hooligan with water. The main thing is to do this at the moment of peeling off the wallpaper, and not later, so that the cat understands why it suffered.


It is believed that cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits, onions and vinegar.. But the amber emanating from the last two products is unlikely to please the household, and besides, the vinegar soon dissipates.

It is better to mix eucalyptus and orange (tangerine/lemon) oils in equal proportions, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all problem areas. A wonderful aroma will be in the apartment, and the cat will probably stop tearing up the wallpaper/furniture.


Wallpaper that your cat has already “chosen” is pasted onto it and leaned against the corner it chooses. Most likely the cat will switch to the board. Your task is to move the wallpaper board in a few steps (days) to a place where it will not depress you with its unpresentable appearance.

To be absolutely calm about the condition of the wallpaper, you can lay a decorative stone or tile around the entire perimeter (at the height of a stretching cat).

How to stop a cat from scratching furniture

Almost all methods designed to wean animals from damaging wallpaper are also suitable in the case of furniture that falls under cat claws. But there are also specific recommendations.


Let’s say right away that this is a rather dubious option, since most mustaches continue to frantically tear upholstery flavored with special sprays.

These products are sold in pet stores and should instill an irresistible disgust in cats, but they do not always fulfill their function.

Adhesive materials

This is double-sided tape or Sticky Paws tape. Sticky strips are placed on carpets, armrests, curtains or upholstery. Sticky surfaces do not spoil the interior, but cats who touch them do not particularly like them.

Protective covers

Such covers are placed over furniture to solve two problems: to cover tattered fabric and to keep the cat away from the sofa/chair. Manufacturers claim that the elastic cover is not suitable for cat exercises, as it is not stable enough and does not move. The stretch cover is easy to wash and clean, and it is also cheaper than a new sofa.

Claw manipulation

If you are too lazy to raise your cat, don’t want to buy covers, glue tape, run after him with a rattle and a water pistol, pay attention to his claws. They may well become the object of useful transformations.

Silicone claw attachments

They are called “Soft Claws” and are put on the claws of the front paws. The caps, which follow the shape of the claw, are fixed with special glue without restricting reflex movements. The animal calmly extends and retracts its claws.

After two months, the silicone cap comes off along with the keratinized layer of the claw. If necessary, the anti-scratch pads are re-glued.

Nail trimming

It is better to entrust this procedure to a veterinarian, as you may accidentally damage blood vessel. If you are confident in your abilities, do your manicure with special scissors (but not dog scissors!), since animals differ in the shape of their claws. By the way, not all cats tolerate manicures, but if yours endured the torment steadfastly, praise it and award it with a tasty treat.


This drastic and cruel method, practiced in many veterinary clinics, is resorted to by the most heartless cat owners.

– this is often how a frightened or angry cat relieves accumulated stress. During onychectomy, not only the claws, but also the phalanges of the fingers are amputated. You should also remember about anesthesia, which is difficult for all cats to tolerate.

A cat deprived of claws turns into a disabled person, both physically and mentally:

  • his coordination of movements is impaired;
  • the animal loses its balance and falls, unable to stay on the elevated surface;
  • There are deviations in posture and pain in the spine.

Needless to say, a cat without claws is completely defenseless if it accidentally ends up on the street. He will not scratch the eyes of the dog that attacked him and will not be able to climb the saving tree.

Setting up a cat's personal space

Let's start with the fact that the cat considers your entire apartment to be its personal territory, and you will not be able to indicate its place. The only thing you can do is minimize the damage from sharpening your claws.

Owners who love their Vaska will not spare money to buy carpet to match the color of the wallpaper in order to cover the tattered corner from floor to ceiling. Then the cat will not only sharpen its claws, but also periodically engage in rock climbing.

It will be especially difficult for keepers of fragile antique valuables. A Ming era vase should be hidden tightly behind closed doors, making sure that the door handle does not give in to the pressure of the cat's soft paws.

DIY scratching post

Get a scratching post as soon as the little devil kitten settles in the house. This way you will at least have a chance to save your furniture and walls: training an adult animal to use a scratching post is much more difficult.

You can build this simple device yourself, taking into account the following nuances:

  • the height of the column should be greater than the height of the stretched out cat;
  • the scratching post must support the weight of the pet, for which it is securely fixed;
  • the top layer is made of a material similar in structure to tree bark (it is preferable to use sisal rope);
  • At first, to lure the cat to the scratching post, hang toys with the smell of catnip on it.

Getting the cat used to the scratching post

The “machine” for sharpening claws is usually placed where the animal is accustomed to doing this. If there are several such zones, then there should (ideally) be more than one scratching post. Other rules:

  • if the pet has a certain sleeping area, place the scratching post near him: when waking up, cats always warm up;
  • To make the cat focus more often on the scratching post, remove or cover distracting interior items;
  • on the floor where the cat is used to standing, peeling furniture/wallpaper, place adhesive tape, foil or slippery plastic;
  • Demonstrate to the kitten how to use the scratching post: run his paw along the post (this will have to be done several times).

– this is often how a frightened or angry cat relieves accumulated stress. Every time the animal begins to put its claws into the scratching post, praise it, stroke it and reward it with delicious food.

Do not lure your cat towards the sharpening implement with valerian. The crazy Murka will begin to rub against the post, bury his nose in it, meow heart-rendingly, in a word, perform various circus acts, completely forgetting about its direct purpose.

What not to do

Usually cat owners they know that threats and prohibitions do not affect their pets. A cat will always do whatever it likes, without particularly considering the opinions of others.

When weaning her from bad habits, including damaging furniture and walls, remember:

  • any physical punishment is excluded (the cat will harbor a grudge and will definitely take revenge);
  • You shouldn’t throw away an old scratching post with a cat’s usual smell (mastering a new one will be problematic);
  • It is forbidden to shout at the cat (learn to use intonation, not the volume of your voice);
  • It is necessary to shame a cat only during the commission of a crime (belated admonitions will not bring it to its senses).

Lucky are those owners whose animals exercise daily: every tree in the yard is a huge scratching post, which no one will scold the cat for using.

From the moment you decided to get a cat, you had to go a long way - this is accustoming your pet to the litter box, fighting for the rights of the owner of the house, grinding in characters... It would seem that it’s time to enjoy life, sitting in the evenings with a soft rumbling ball on your lap, but no – appeared new problem! Don’t despair – a cat can be weaned from tearing up furniture, even if it takes a lot of effort and patience. Many owners consider this behavior destructive, punishing it in every possible way, but for the pets themselves it is quite natural, associated with mental and physiological needs. Today we will figure out together how to stop a cat from tearing up furniture, we will look at the most best ways and we will give you a lot of useful advice.

The cat was originally a wild carnivorous animal, ideally suited for hunting. It's no wonder that a cat the size of a tiger would be (hypothetically) five times more dangerous than him. And her body structure is appropriate - a mustache that serves as a locator to estimate the distance to obstacles, a tail that provides maneuverability, and claws that must be in perfect condition, since they perform many functions. Therefore, you should not be surprised if your pet begins to tear up furniture or wallpaper.

In general, all the reasons why a cat engages in this activity, which is unpleasant for the owner, can be summarized in a small list:

  • manicure(during sharpening, the animal removes the stratum corneum from its claws. New sharp claws appear in its place);
  • relieving nervous tension(angry or scared cats usually relieve stress this way);
  • warm-up(the pet “warms up” the muscles, like an athlete);
  • marking territory(the smell of sweat secreted by the sweat glands on the paws remains on the furniture);
  • skills training(Clawing is a very ancient hunting skill, practically not used by modern cats; however, it is in the genes).

Note! If a cat rips off the chair in which you like to spend your free evenings, it thereby speaks of its sympathy and trust.

How to stop a cat from tearing up furniture

There are many ways that can help you stop your pet from scratching furniture. Let's start with the most popular ones.

1. Loud sounds, voice command

Every time the cat tries to sharpen its claws on interior items, loudly and sharply say “No!”, “No!”, “Shhh!” Continue this until the pet retreats from its goals.

Note! You shouldn't swear at a cat when it has already sharpened its claws. Do this before or in the first seconds of turning, so that this activity is associated with punishment. The cat must understand why exactly you are scolding him.

One more effective way to wean oneself from a “bad” habit are regular baby rattles. You can buy a rattle or make it yourself - for example, put a few coins in a metal jar (found in the kitchen), seal it and always keep it near you. Noticing that the cat wants to do some mischief again, take the can and rattle it loudly. The animal will quickly run into the next room, because it does not like such strong sounds. Rattle every time to reinforce the learned material!

Air balloons- another good “sound” method of education, although not the most convenient for the owner. Inflate and tie several balloons and secure them at the crime scene. The trap must be designed so that one of the balls bursts during the next claw point. Loud noise will scare away the animal and next time it will be afraid to approach the ill-fated chair.

Cats are known to water procedures They don’t like it, so why not take advantage of it? Fill a container with a spray bottle with water and spray your pet every time he intends to sharpen his claws in a prohibited place. But do not forget that such a “shower” is effective only before the incident or within five minutes after it, otherwise the animal simply will not understand why it is being punished. Unpleasant sensations, as in the previous case, should be associated with “crime”.

  • Protective covers. They are stretched over furniture not only to protect against pets, but also to cover tattered fabric. According to manufacturers, elastic covers are not very suitable for cat activities due to mobility and low stability. Stretch covers are quite easy to clean and wash, and their cost is noticeably lower than a new chair.
  • "Soft Claws". If you don’t want to bother with covers, rattles, tape, etc., you can pay attention to the animal’s claws. For example, you can put special silicone attachments on the claws of the front paws, which follow the shape of the claw and are attached with glue, but do not hinder reflex movements. That is, the claws will calmly retract and extend. Typically, such caps come off along with the stratum corneum after 2 months, but if desired, they can be re-glued.
  • Declawing. Radical method, which only heartless owners resort to. Onychectomy is surgery, during which the claws are amputated along with the phalanges of the fingers. As a result, the pet becomes disabled - the coordination of its movements is impaired, the cat constantly loses its balance, cannot stay on heights, its spine hurts, and its posture is disturbed. If such an animal ends up on the street, it will find itself completely defenseless there.
  • What not to do

    Most people do not know that their prohibitions and threats do not apply to cats. The animal will always do what it wants, without taking into account your opinion. Therefore, weaning Vaska from bad habit, remember some important points.

    1. You cannot resort to any physical punishment(the pet will harbor a grudge and will definitely take revenge on you).
    2. Shame the cat only during the “crime” (belated lectures will not bring him sense).
    3. You should not throw away an old scratching post, the smell of which is familiar to the animal (it will have great difficulty mastering a new one).
    4. Finally, you should not yell at your cat (use intonation, but not volume of voice).

    Owners of cats who exercise daily are lucky in this regard, because any tree is a large scratching post, for the use of which no one will swear.

    Video – How to stop a cat from sharpening its claws on furniture

    How to buy a cat?

    If you are interested in whether there are “well-bred” cat breeds in the world, then we have to disappoint you - alas, there are none. But there are several practical advice that will help you when buying a pet:

    • buy a three or four month old kitten(the character is already indicated, and the owners probably taught him to use a scratching post);
    • give preference to breeds that are focused on communicating with people(for example, British Shorthair) to make it easier to achieve mutual understanding;
    • in terms of neatness, a purebred cat can surpass even the most purebred “competitors”. But here it is better to purchase an already adult pet, so as not to buy, so to speak, a pig in a poke.
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